About Me

"America is all about speed. Hot nasty badass speed" - Eleanor Rosevelt 1936

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Do the shuttles really work???

If you guys don't remember , I hired a secret someone to investigate if the shuttles on campus really work. For the past six weeks my agent has rode the bus every day at numerous times in the day and timed their travel time. Here is what they found.

Week 1: total travel time: 9 am: 14.5 min
total travel time: 3 pm: 15.2 min

Week 2: Total travel time: 9am : 12 min
Total travel time: 3pm: 10 min

Week 3: Total travel time: 9am: 11 min
Total travel time: 3pm: 10 min

Week 4: Total travel time 9am: 10 min
Total travel time 3pm: 10 min

Week 5: Total travel time 9am: 7 min
Total travel time 3pm: 10 min

If you look, towards the beginning of the semester, the time it took on the shuttle was a little longer but it got shorter as the semester moved on. On week 5 i parked in the same lot as my private investigator ( The lot by the Indian Burial Grounds) and instead of taking the shuttle I booked it to upper campus ( meeting place was the PSY building) to see who would make it there before me. My PI arrived about 5 min ahead of me, (and dry as a whistle, I on the other hand was soaked in sweat) So I guess that shows, the shuttles really do work.

It was not all a smooth ride however. My PI did face some struggles. During week 2 on her am drive, the first bus that drove by, opened her bus doors and said, "Sorry guys I need to go to the bathroom, there should be another bus here shortly."

* For sake of fairness, the PI took the same route each week and parked in the same lot.

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